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(Blog) 事務所設立のご案内-Announcement of the Office Opening-

はじめまして。行政書士・特定社会保険労務士の西川英三郎です。本日、生まれ育った杜の都仙台で行政書士・社会保険労務士 西川国際労務管理事務所を開所致しました。





企業が成長、繁栄し、従業員とその家族が幸せになり、そして社会がより過ごしやすい世の中になるように、一緒に考え、そして実践していきましょう。 (2020年8月27日)

Dear everyone. Let me introduce myself at first. I am Eizaburo (Eddie) NISHIKAWA, the Administrative Procedure Legal Specialist, i.e. APLS, and the Specialized Labor and Social Security Attorney, i.e. SLSSA. I just opened E.N. International Labor Management Consulting in my hometown, Sendai, Miyagi today.

While one fourth of the population of Japanese live and the most of the major enterprises have the head quarters in the great Tokyo area, it is also true that 99% of Japanese companies are small or middle or even micro enterprises but Japanese economy is practically sustained by them who are spread out all over Japan.

The government has started so called "Work Style Reform" under the Act on the Arrangement of Related Acts to Promote Work Style Reform since April 2019. However, it is easily expected how both the company and the employees make tremendous effort and feel difficulty to find what the ideal goal is between the huge gap of the ideal and the reality every day.

I declare that I will devote myself to work on in order to be a good business partner who can change the reality to better direction little by little by sharing the wisdom with the ones who are under such a difficult situation.

My past 30 years business careers were adopted and developed in deep connection with overseas. Hence I believe it will serve a good purpose of my next careers as APLS and SLSSA especially for the employment of the foreign workers in the company who welcome them, e.g. their labor and social securities, Immigration procedures, consultation of the comfortable working environment, making of the work rules in English version etc.

Let' think together and proceed what we should do together in order to make the company grow and develop which will lead to the happiness for the employees so that we make the society better to live toward the future. (27/AUG/2020)



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