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(News)取引先と共栄「パートナーシップ構築宣言」登録3,899社 - 3,899 companies register "Declaration of Partnership Building"-

執筆者の写真: 西川英三郎西川英三郎



Under the current difficult economic environment, the concept of the partnership building evolved to the "Declaration of Patnership Building", one of the execution plan for the growth strategy of Japanese economy by the cabinet decision in June, 2021. The companies who officially declared can get some benefit for the following lots of subsidies. As of November 30, 3,899 companies have declared. (30/NOV/2021)

各助成金の詳細は以下の通り。(URL LINKs are available only in Japanese.)

① 事業再構築補助金 

  Business Restructuring Subsidy


② ものづくり・商業・サービス生産性向上促進補助金

  Manufacturing, Marchandise, Service and Productivity Enhancement Subsidy

【公募期間:令和3年12月1日(水)17:00 ~令和4年2月8日(火)17:00まで】

③ 産業・業務部門における高効率ヒートポンプ導入促進事業

  High efficiency Heat Pump Implementation Promotion Subsidy for industrial sector


④ ものづくり・商業・サービス高度連携促進補助金

  manufacturing, Marchandise and Service High Level Networking Promotion Subsidy

⑤ 先進的省エネルギー投資促進支援事業

  Advanced Energy Conservation Investment Promotion Subsidy

パートナーシップ構築宣言の詳細は以下のURLをご参照下さい。(Sorry Japanese only)

パートナーシップ構築宣言企業一覧 (Sorry Japanese only)


tel / fax: +81 (0)22 796 7527


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